May 29, 2019

Tell Me on a Sunday Rehearsals

By now you’ve probably heard, but if you haven’t, the Lake Dillon Theatre Company is opening the first show of the 2019 Summer Season Tell Me on a SundayThis production by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Don Black explores the story of a young British woman newly arrived in New York City. Brimming with optimism, she sets out to seek success, companionship and, of course, love. But as she weaves her way through the maze of the city and her own anxieties, frustrations, and heartaches, she begins to wonder whether she’s been looking for love in all the wrong places. Earlier this week we took a behind the scenes look at the rehearsal process for this one-woman show.

Emily Dennis and Dan Gaeber work beautifully together on “Nothing Like You’ve Ever Known.” After running the song the pair speak about the meaning behind the lyrics and moments for Emily to take during the song. During this rehearsal community member, Jon Kirkpatrick visits for a special page to stage benefit which is available for specific donors to the theater.

Director Josh Blanchard gets up and helps Emily run through the song “Sheldon Bloom.” Before Emily sing through the song they do some quick, fun choreography that brings the story to life.

After the slow run through Emily takes the “stage” and puts the words together with the new steps.

Even seemingly simple steps are practiced.

After they sing and dance through rehearsal Emily diligently writes notes on her score to help her remember for the next rehearsal and ultimately the show.

See all this hard work come together during Tell Me on a Sunday’s run June 1 – 23 in the Henry Studio Theatre at the Silverthorne Performing Arts Center 460 Blue River Parkway, Silverthorne, CO.

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