Polkadots: The Cool Kid Musical talks all about what it means to be a ‘Cool Kid’. People often ask, “What is a Cool Kid?” Well, if you are reading this, then you are already a pretty cool kid! Cool Kids encompass the best of our amazing country: a belief that we are all created equal. Cool Kids come in every shape, size, color, age, orientation, and religion.

Cool kids surround us everyday! In fact, even YOU are a cool kid! We thought it would be interesting to ask some of the actors here at Lake Dillon Theatre Company what being a ‘Cool Kid’ means to them!
First, we asked actor Corey Barrow who plays Henry Square in Polkadots. Corey said, “Being a cool kid means owning who you are no matter where you come from, what you look like, how you talk, just know that you are you, and you are magnificent!”
Next, we asked actress Sofie Flores who plays Gabby Square and Mamma Square in Polkadots.
Sofie said she thinks “A cool kid is someone that embraces who they are and treats others with the same respect that they want to be treated with!”

It is important to be the coolest kid you can be! This means accepting yourself as uniquely you and accepting others as uniquely them. You will never meet the same person twice; we are all different in our own special, and amazing ways! Learning to accept the people around you for who they are is a key component in being as cool as possible. Accepting individuality does not have to mean agreeing or disagreeing. Instead, embrace one another and recognize the amazing contributions that each and every one of us gives to the world around us. Accepting yourself and others is a great way to make a difference in the world so come as you are ‘Cool Kids’! Let’s unite and stay cool!
Come watch Polkadots: The Cool Kids Musical at The Lake Dillon Theatre Company July 6, 12, 13, 20, 26; August 2, 3, & 9 At 10:00 AM. Tickets available for purchase at the box office the day of the performance.
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